Admissions PolicyWe can meet the expectations of all people seeking good health. Founding Principles of Kagawa Nutrition UniversityKagawa Nutrition University contributes to society by promoting health improvement through dietary change and by cultivating specialized personnel who are trained in disease prevention. Education GoalsWe offer courses that provide both broad and detailed coverage of specialized topics related to food, nutrition, and health, and cultivate highly specialized personnel who can apply the knowledge and skills they have learned to help improve people's overall well being. We strive to offer a level of education that ensures that all graduates will be able to pass the national examinations and obtain employment. What Type of Students Are We Looking for?Individuals who wish to be involved in the fields of food, nutrition, health, medicine, or education. Individuals with a high level of intellectual curiosity, who are always striving to improve themselves and who take an active role in seeking out knowledge. Individuals who can apply the knowledge and skills they learn in their own lives. Individuals who demonstrate leadership and who wish to use their knowledge to help other people. Individuals who wish to discover their individual paths in life based on their knowledge and skills. Four Pillars of Our Education ServicesWe adapt our educational offerings to meet current needs and carefully adjust our curriculum to ensure professional certification for our graduates. We strive to enhance our teaching staff and improve class management and teaching skills, thereby improving the overall effectiveness of our education service. We constantly review our facilities, equipment, libraries, and student support organizations in an effort to create a comfortable learning environment for our students. We offer educational services that provide tangible results, striving to ensure that all graduates can pass the national examinations and obtain employment. |